Song Saa Private Island

In Cambodia's untouched Koh Rong Archipelago, two pristine islands lie side by side. They are known locally as Song Saa-Khmer for The Sweethearts. The Song Saa Private Island is as seductive as the name implies. Think intimate. Think luxurious. But above all think harmony with all the elements of nature that make this place so special. The resort spans the islands of Koh Ouen and Koh Bong, connected by a footbridge over a marine reserve we have established to safeguard the islands reefs and marine life including dugongs, seahorses and exotic species of tropical fish. Find out more about our conservation programs. View Map Song Saa Private Island lies secluded in what we consider to be one of the world's most beautiful seascapes. Most of the islands in the Koh Rong Archipelago remain undeveloped deserted oases of virgin jungle, tropical reefs and glistening white beaches. As our guest, you'll be among a handful of lucky adventurers to experience this beautiful, untouched world, where you can walk among old-growth rainforest, watch dazzling reef fish swim under your villa or see rare hornbills land on your balcony. We hope you lose yourself in this intimate natural setting. No intrusions. No work. Nothing but play.

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